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North Cornwall

Crooklets Bude - Objection

Proposed Replacement Surf Life Saving Clubhouse with changing rooms, store and multi-purpose space


Residents of Crooklets, Bude were dismayed to discover an application by the Surf Life Saving Clubhouse to build a 1.5 storey, multiple mono-pitch replacement building on the beachfront.  Whilst supporting the proposal to replace the old building and provide better facilities for the school it was the size and, in particular, the height of the proposal which caused concern.  Prominently sited in the centre of the beach it would negatively impact upon the openness and visible seascape and would cause, visual harm to the area and, potential, actual harm to the tourist industry which is against the Council’s policy and the stated aim in the Neighbourhood Development Plan.


AGM raised an Objection on behalf of residents asking that the design be revised to single storey: the multiple mono-pitch roof being an aesthetic architectural device which didn’t increase the useable space of the school and was therefore unnecessary.  


AGM requested:

  • a Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment (LVIA) so that the impact of the proposal could be fully understood from every angle

  • confirmation that the proposal had been designed with sufficient mitigation measures in place to satisfy the EA’s requirements to      ensure the sustainability of the building and public safety and;

  • that the area behind Crooklets Beach to be promoted to a Coastal Change Management Area (CCMA) in line with the Shore Management Policy (SMP) recommendations to protect the area and building when consented in its, hopefully, revised form.

The Application was withdrawn

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